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The Right Track: Trump’s VP? I think it’s her.

Thank you all for reading last week’s newsletter. I hope you all are having a great summer!  
Like it or not, this week has been all about President Joe Biden, his declining health and whether he’ll remain the nominee.  
Biden’s obvious decline in health raises so many questions. Clearly, many members of Biden’s inner circle – from his administration to his close friends and family – were aware of his struggles. Why didn’t they say more earlier?  
I tackled some of the questions I had for the Democratic Party in a recent column, “What did Democrats know about Joe Biden?” And when did they know it?
It’s been interesting, even amusing, to watch how the Democratic Party has handled Biden’s awful debate. Nancy Pelosi said Biden should consider dropping out. Celebrities who have raised funds for Biden, like George Clooney, have spoken publicly about their concerns and have suggested a new nominee is in order.  
Meanwhile, Biden remains firm that he will not step down.  
After years of watching Donald Trump and the Republican Party take Death Valley-level heat from political insiders and pundits, I have a bit of schadenfreude watching how splintered the Democratic Party has become after Biden’s poor debate. As I wrote in a column published Tuesday, “The Democratic Party has had its own dumpster fire smoldering for months. Now it’s blazing. The man they chose can’t do the job, and yet he refuses to step down. He can’t win, but he won’t go.” Will Biden quit?
By the time you read next week’s newsletter, the Republican National Convention will be nearing an end. Trump is expected to announce his pick for vice president by Monday, the first day of the convention.  
In a column published today, I argue that in an ideal world, Trump would wait as long as possible on the announcement because it will distract from the Democratic Party’s melt down. They’re self-destructing. Let them.
Trump could chose any number of options, including Sens. Tim Scott, J.D. Vance or Marco Rubio. But I have a hunch he’ll pick South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.
Who do you think Trump will pick? Do you think he should wait to make the announcement? Let me know: [email protected].
